Robby Cook

Robby Cook

Practice Leader, Texas 

Robert L. "Robby" Cook, III retired in January 2009 from a distinguished career in public service which began in 1992. Serving as a city council member, mayor, then elected to the Texas House of Representatives in which he served for six terms.

After his retirement in the Legislature, Robby began his private governmental affairs consulting firm.

Most recently Robby served as “Special Advisor to the House” for the Texas House of Representatives during the 86th Legislative Session. In this role Robby served in a unique position as a liaison between the Members of the Texas House of Representatives and the Speaker’s office. His primary duty was to ensure that there was an open line of communication for the members as they deliberated during the Legislative Session as well as during the Interim.

Robby currently is the owner and manager of Riceland Consulting, LLC, a governmental affairs firm based in Austin, Texas.

Having served in local as well as state elected offices has given him a unique perspective of the interaction between governmental entities and the constituencies they represent.
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