Business Overview
We have represented a large business Health Data Analytics division whose objective was to have hospitals adopt their data collection, analyzation, and reporting methodologies.
Business Challenge(s)
Many hospitals were using various data platforms and analyzation tools, going one-by-one to sell their product, This was inefficient and there was a need to change methodologies compelling enough to enforce positive change.
Maximizing efficiency to penetrate the marketplace and provide value in the form of uniform data reporting and analytics, the most effective way was to require hospitals report data in a specific way necessitating their need for the company's methodologies.
Business Overview
Represented a large disaster management company who desired to break into the disaster recovery market and secure contracts through the Department of Economic Opportunity to manage hurricane disaster recovery.
Business Challenge(s)
Principals of the business had no existing relationships with the Department of Economic Opportunity, and potential competition were incumbents through prior contracts.
In order to be competitive for the forthcoming procurement from the agency, the company needed to develop a rapport with the department. Proactively demonstrate their competency prior to an official proposal and develop a plan to overcome their outsider status.
Business Overview
Tutoring and enrichment for K-12 population, providing math, writing, reading and SAT/ACT Prep services.
The company was a 35-year old consumer business with a track record of producing high-achieving outcomes and has maintained a strong brand identity.
Business Challenge(s)
Massive change in the competitive landscape and rapidly changing public policy regulations resulted in a wide range of consumer options and dried-up public funding sources.
To expand product offering to include computer programming and financial learning enrichment. Also, to expand delivery of services outside of the traditional retail stores.
Business Overview
Online remediation for math, reading, writing and other basic skills for K-12 school districts, community colleges and for-profit career colleges.
Two-year-old company, which was a spin-off of a longstanding and well-established business.
Business Challenge(s)
A leading data warehouse organization with cutting edge products for Cloud Computing and Modular Data Centers for large enterprises.
With the business demonstrating a strong success in the financial services and global internet category, there was an opportunity to partner with leading utilities for both a sales and to develop a channeled relationship to bundle data services with power and energy services.
Business Overview
Online remediation for math, reading, writing and other basic skills for K-12 school districts, community colleges and for-profit career colleges.
Two-year-old company, which was a spin-off of a longstanding and well-established business.
Business Challenge(s)
Business model was out of sync with customer budgets.
Evolve offering a service-to-technology platform creating a better alignment with target customers budget.
Recognized there is a drastic need for a more complete alignment between students, colleges and employers regarding mastery of granular subject competencies.
Business Overview
Catastrophic Bonds and Insurance Linked Securities look to attain rapid growth as an alternative to traditional re-insurance. The financial instrument has been available for several years, but as an uncorrelated investment demonstrating strong returns; pension funds, hedge funds and other institutional investors are beginning to invest in the market.
Business Challenge(s)
Few individuals and funds with an established track record to partner with on this venture.
They had a very complex structure of product delivery. Market-timing and layering of bonds issued per global catastrophes to create high-return product.
Having followed the nascent Cat Bond space for several years, there is a window of opportunity for a private equity firm to establish an early position and be relevant in the marketplace.